
Friday, April 18, 2014

In the Art Corner: New Digital Paintings

In truth, I have a few projects completed, but most of them will only be made available to my friends/family. Sorry to anybody else who was excited for more than one piece! With the effort I put into the one I'm sharing, I hope I can be forgiven.

The new digital piece is called Her Phantom, and for no better reason, it is a painting of a phantom-like girl drifting through a misty, eerie woods. I paid close attention to the trees' detail for perspective -- it only makes sense, right (where are the photography majors out there)? In the mean time, I had issue with adding fog to the background using my usual methods; however, when I was messing with the light curves, I somehow fixed it up to give a foggy effect without much further effort. I consider that a win for my fumbling around with Photoshop.

Her Phantom
Beyond that, the most difficult part of this was deciding where, and if so how, I would apply contours. Since we've been going over illusions in my courses, I decided this would be a great way to experiment with something that had no real aim. The bases of the trees have the same degree of opacity as the phantom does, and the result is surprisingly something I like. There's nothing to interpret with it (although you are free to make any statements you want about it), but it just looks cool.

There's something to be said for the ground, though. The fog effect underneath the phantom had a dual purpose: what is on the ground, and what force is acting on it? It could be seen as fog, but my intentions were, actually, that the phantom's presence was shifting the sand and dust that coated the floor of this forest. On that note, we could say that the opacity of the phantom in light of that of the trees, coupled with the unidentified pressure the phantom places on the ground beneath her, makes you wonder which is more real. I'm not one for the supernatural, so you decide!

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  1. Amazing as always Alexis! However, I'm saddened by a thought. I can't see your blog's stats, but the impression I get is that the only individuals who are truly engaged in your content are from a handful of regulars (less than 15 people maybe?) I don't mean to play down the value of your blog, that's not my intention, but it does make me sad that it at least appears that more people don't get to look at your content.

    1. Thank you very much Elliott -- you're always very supportive. Just a bit of background, at any given time, the views I get per day can be as few as 15 or as high as 200. It really depends on what's going on at the time, how long it's been since I made a new post, and what the contents of that post were. Naturally, my science posts get the most views, my art posts get a moderate number of views, and my personal posts get less views. These all correlate with overall traffic as well.

      But it doesn't bother me that the number of people who stick around and post regularly is small. I enjoy having the audience that I do, because I know they're listening. Even if it were just a single person who read every one of my posts and commented each time, I'd be totally fine.

    2. "I enjoy having the audience that I do, because I know they're listening. Even if it were just a single person who read every one of my posts and commented each time, I'd be totally fine."

      I could make a pact with the devil to be as satisfied with life as you are. It's almost sickening how jealous I am.

    3. I don't know whether to be flattered or scared!


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